

DISCLAIMER: I am not ANY kinda' as savvy as I would like to be, so if you're a DEV, please feel free to laugh, and correct me. I'm trying to learn it all, so if you can help that process, please feel free to drop some knowledge! THANKS FOR STOPPING BY!



My favorite alternative market

AppBrain is SUCH a great replacement for the every day market...  It's simple!  Download AppBrain from the Android Market, and REPLACE!  The plethora of apps from all over the internet is AWESOME!  You're no longer restricted to the Market's goofy sorting methods, and you can browse new, hot, and popular apps from their website instead of sending all those pennies to your service provider for browsing with your data plan.  What I love most, are 3 things:

1) The ability to place apps in a queue from their website, then install them to your phone from the app later.

2) Updating is REALLY easy.  Sync your phone to AppBrain's database from your device, and let it look for updates for you, the click "Update all".  There's some permissions you may need to hit "ok" for (depending on the app) but that takes all of what, 10 seconds?

3) I've rooted my Evo, so this is extra handy for me, seeing as I need to completely erase all user data from my phone every time I want to play with a new ROM, but this can also be helpful if you're switching devices, or accidentally lose all of your data...  Once you sync with the AppBrain database, your list of apps is saved on their servers.  After wiping your phone, or activating a new one, all you need to do is download AppBrain from the market again, sign in using your Google acct. info, and sync again.  AppBrain will show you the list of Apps you've synced to their servers, and you can manage what you want and don't want from that list.

There's really no downside to using this AppBrain.  I HIGHLY reccomend it!

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