

DISCLAIMER: I am not ANY kinda' as savvy as I would like to be, so if you're a DEV, please feel free to laugh, and correct me. I'm trying to learn it all, so if you can help that process, please feel free to drop some knowledge! THANKS FOR STOPPING BY!



Tattlin' on the iDroid?!

Gotta' love Floridian politicians!  Last night during the gubernatorial debate between Alex Sink, and Rick Scott there was apparently a rule set that neither candidate was allowed to receive messages from their staffers.  Seems both candidates were confused, as Miss Sink was shown SOMETHING (was there a rule against viral videos of cute kittens?  THAT WAS NOT SPECIFIED MR. SCOTT!) on a mobile device during the break, and Mr. Scott obviously is not in touch with his nerd demographic, as he couldn't snitch WHAT kind of device it was...

The device turned out to be a Droid, and it proves that there isn't much you can't do with a Droid, including stir up political controversy. Personally, I'd rather be called a witch, or have it suggested that I pray to Aqua Buddha.  Aqua Buddha rules...

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