

DISCLAIMER: I am not ANY kinda' as savvy as I would like to be, so if you're a DEV, please feel free to laugh, and correct me. I'm trying to learn it all, so if you can help that process, please feel free to drop some knowledge! THANKS FOR STOPPING BY!



Facebook for Android update: 11/12/10

Seems Facebook is still working hard on making a pretty good mobile app even better.  About an hour ago, Facebook for Android posted this update:

Personally, I rarely use the FB mobile app.  Unless I'm looking for something specific, uploading pics of some crazy food I just cooked or I'm too lazy to walk the 3 feet from the couch to my laptop to update my status, I tend to leave it alone, but it IS on my phone and easily accessible.  I know some people (I love you in spite of your addiction, BB :D) who damn near live on FB, and utilize the mobile app regularly, so for them, I'm positive V1.4.1 (aka/codenamed KATANA) is a welcomed upgrade.

2 thoughts on this:
1) did FB upgrade for Gingerbread compatibility?

and 2) There have been recent rumors of FB putting together their own mobile device.  With all the functionality their apps tend to provide, could this be another step?

What do you think?

Here's a shortcut to the download:

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